Thursday, December 5, 2013

First Lunch With The Salem Rotary Club

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't been writing as much as I should but everything has been moving pretty slow since my in home orientation. Just a lot of catching up on school work and trying to get ahead in my classes. But today I did do something exciting. I had my first meeting with my club in Salem. I was so nervous that I would say the wrong thing, I felt like I was going to pass out. I had to give a five minute speech about myself and I felt like they expected me to be absolutely perfect. It put a lot of pressure on me to do good on my speech. Though the five minutes didn't "fly by" they seemed to be easy after about the first minute. I told them everything about me even some funny things that made them laugh. Everyone complimented me on how well I did which made me very happy because I thought I was going to let them down.
Today I also met two inbound exchange students. They were both really nice. The inbounds, and me and another outbound candidate, all got our pictures taken together with gifts they gave us after our speeches. It was so nice of them to give us a gift especially since we were all there to thank them for the opportunity the had given us. We all got matching youth exchange jackets. The girl from Peru was so nice and we both love One Direction. I was really nervous about no one liking me but everyone was really nice.
Thanks for reading guys I will try to keep updating more often as things get more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. You did an awesome job with your speech. I was so proud of you!!!
